After a triumphant opening run at Seattle Rep, Bon-Nita comes to the Ellyn Bye Studio at Portland Center Stage, February 1 – March 16, 2014. Previews don’t begin for more than 60 days but four shows are already sold out and several more have a few tickets remaining. See for details and tickets.
Portland may have a special affection for Bo-Nita. The single actor / many character play was developed at the JAW Playwrights Festival in Portland, July, 2012.
The Oregonian said of Bo-Nita: “… this madcap comedy of mid-American family dysfunction carries dark undertones about the effects of poverty and sexual abuse on a resourceful 13-year-old. Bo-Nita handles such issues with sensitivity — even amid the outlandish characters and situations that had the JAW audience howling with laughter.”
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